Curbside Pickup


How it works

Shop in the Target AppWait for notificationThen drive up
Choose from thousands of items, and simply select Drive Up at checkout.We’ll let you know when your order is ready for pick up. Just tell us when you’re on your way.Park in the designated spot & let us know you’re here so we can load up your car.
Here is a link to Target online / Target Drive Up‎ Pickup


How does the curbside pickup service work?

Simply place your order online at Once your order is complete, you will be prompted to select a time to pick up your order. Drive to your Publix location at your selected time, park in the designated Publix Curbside parking space, and call the store using the number on the sign. Give the Publix associate your name, and they will bring out your order and load it into your car.

Walmart Grocery

Montgomery County Maryland – Curbside Pickup

Montgomery County Maryland – Curbside Pickup